5th Car:
Exhibit Car #3
Originally 36-seat
Pullman parlor car BOLTON (built to Pullman plan 2916B and
assigned to the New Haven), the BISMA-REX got its name from Rexall's
anti-acid powder.
Image: John
Signor collection, via David Perata
After the Rexall
tour the car was sold to the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1942, becoming
their car #1202.
In this lighted
display, bottles of Bisma-Rex lit up one at at time until an entire
chain of bottles formed coast-to-coast. |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-02-0450x.jpg) |
"The light
coloring in the Medicine Section enhances the the professional feeling
inherent in the Drug business." |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-03-0450x.jpg) |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-04-0450x.jpg) |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-05-0450x.jpg) |
Looking through
the Medicine Section into the Pharmaceutical Section. |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-06-0450x.jpg) |
"The Mi-31
display has a revolving plate glass on which are depicted the three
most dangerous common germs. This glass stops promptly when a light
flashes from behind showing a drop of Mi-31 with the words "Kills
Germs in 5 to 25 seconds."" |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-07-0450x.jpg) |
Another view
of the Pharmaceutical Section.
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-08-0450x.jpg) |
Looking back
through the exhibit car at the Rubber and Hospital Supply Departments. |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-09-0450x.jpg) |
The new Kantleek
2-in-1 stopperless water bottle! |
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-10-0450x.jpg) |
"The outstanding
exhibit in the Firstaid Department is the conventionalized duck
sitting atop the stack of Firstaid Waterproof Adhesive and the streaks
of rain coming from behind the word 'Waterproof'."
Multiple images
and quotes: Rexall Train Souvenir Folder
to Roster...
![1936 Rexall Train](images/rexall/rexall-train-consist-05-bisma-rex-11-0450x.jpg) |