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Sample Photo of American Freedom Train HO Decals by Accuen Media

Accuen presents:
A complete set of HO scale decals for the entire 26-car American Freedom Train!

28 Water Slide Decal sheets for the entire consist of the AFT! Includes decals for the two showcase cars, 10 display cars, two power cars, entrance car, tool car, two merchandise cars, five passenger cars, three flatcars, 10 wagons (ticket/souvenir wagons, etc), plus the AFT forklift, AFT Audio-Visual step van, AFT GMC utility truck and AFT Chevy Blazer.

Also includes our HO scale stickers of artwork for the 40 American Freedom Train Display Car side panels and shadowboxes.

Each 8.5" x 11.5" decal sheet comes with a datasheet (pictured in black & white above) telling about the prototype and decal placement, plus helpful modeling tips. Total: 28 decal sheets, 28 datasheets and 2 Sticker sheets.


Click below to order this set online with Mastercard, VISA, Discover, or American Express for only $199.95!

(For decal and sticker sheets sold separately - scroll down the page.)


Or send check or money order for the items you want, plus $6.00 S&H to:

Accuen Media LLC
5319 University Dr. #110
Irvine, CA 92612

Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. CA residents add 8% Sales Tax.

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